Thursday, February 18, 2010

How is that Stimulus working out for you?....

Just some of the places where the Obama Stimulus money has gone and something to think about this month while you are doing your yearly tax payment\return...

“The Other Third Of The Stimulus, Government Infrastructure Spending, Has Been The Most Controversial From The Start. Some Proposals Have Been Criticized As Wasteful, Such As … A $3.4 Million ‘Ecopassage’ To Help Turtles Cross A Highway In Tallahassee, Fla.” (“The Challenge In Counting Stimulus Returns,” The Wall Street Journal, 10/27/09)
Some more examples of the spending...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Let's go Fishing.... ~WorldSailfish 2010~

That time again and the WorldSailfish 2010 tournament in Key West is just around the corner...


Prior Years....

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New Climate site from NOAA... But can we trust the data?...

NOAA has introduced a new website portal to keep us all informed on the changing climate with neat little graphics and bar graphs to show us the changing climate. BUT can we trust the data and conclusions made by NOAA regarding the cause\effects of a changing climate???...
Here is a image showing the concentrations of CO2 across the globe...

"The red patch of color centered on the savanna region of the Republic of Congo and Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa shows a large quantity of the gas released from fires people light in order to clear land. The blue colors in the Northern Hemisphere indicate low carbon dioxide concentrations due to absorption by plants in forests and agricultural crops. The concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide fluctuates regionally over time due to both natural life processes, such as photosynthesis, and people burning oil, coal, and biomass."
Do you find it interesting that the blue colors, which indicate low carbon dioxide concentrations, in the United States are located over the Northeast which is more industrial related and probable less vegetation to absorb CO2 as described above?...
With the discovery that much of the "Global Warming" supporting data over the years has been compromised and altered by the very scientist we are to trust, how much trust should we place in this new science portal provided by NOAA ?...