The Augusta County Republican mass meeting went on last night without the "Disruptive Catalyst" that has haunted it in the past and the 202 registered voters chose Richard Homes as the Republican candidate for Augusta County Treasurer....
Augusta County Treasurer Richard Homes was nominated by the eligible voters at the mass meeting as the Augusta County Republican candidate for the upcoming election.
Jason Bibeau challenged Richard Homes for the Augusta County Treasurer Republican nomination and brought many people to the Augusta mass meeting along with several ideas to improve the position. Even after not winning the nomination, Bibeau called for and received party unity and support for the Republican candidate. I have known Jason for years while volunteering for local political events and even with being on "different sides of the fence" on some issues, Jason and I have always been able to have constructive and beneficial discussions. I applaud him for stepping up and bringing new ideas to the election process... Good job...
Jamie Radtke was also in attendance and spoke to the 225 people at the mass meeting during the election process. She did a great job and spoke with many Republicans concerning what is going on in D.C. at this time....
Virginia State Senator Emmett Hanger....