Monday, March 12, 2007

The NewsLeader hits the "Tri-Fecta"...


The Staunton NewsLeader pulled it off this past week and managed a “Tri-fecta” in it’s avoidance of “Republican” related events in one week in it’s own backyard…

First “News stand” award goes to avoiding the Augusta County Republican meeting held at the Government Center in Verona on Tuesday. Republican State Senator Emmett Hanger and Challenger Scott Sayre spoke of the upcoming election race and the primary on June 12th. NBC29 and the Waynesboro NewsVirginian were in attendance and Bob Stuart of the NewsVirginian wrote this description of the nights activities:

Staunton NewsLeader? Nothing…

Second “News stand” award goes to missing the “Media Day” event that Republican State Senate Candidate Scott Sayre held at his business in Buena Vista. This event invited the media to come in and meet with the Candidate at his place of business and to obtain information on history, Issues, and intentions if elected. The NewsVirginian once again reported this local Republican event:;wi.160;hi.600/01?click=
as well did other local media organizations.

Staunton NewsLeader? Nada…

The Third “News stand” award comes from totally avoiding and not reporting the visit of the Republican Virginia Lt. Governor Bill Bolling to Staunton on Saturday. Lt. Governor Bolling came to Mrs. Rowes to have breakfast with local Republicans and constituents and to talk of the recent session in Richmond. The Lt. Governor spoke of many issues that concern Virginia Citizens and the Transportation issue and fiscal responsibility were discussed in detail. Again NBC29 was present and took video for news program coverage and the Harrisonburg Daily News-Record reported the Republican event in it’s coverage at:

Staunton NewsLeader? Zilch…

But they do get the coveted “Tri-fecta” award…


Anonymous said...

See...I just don't understand how the MisLeader or any other local Dems can bounce back from these facts...

But like you said, they do get the least

Anonymous said...

Aye...those dirty scoundrels down at the Slantin News MisLeader printed a story today about the upcoming "Gathering of Eagles" pro-war rally with Lynn's contact info....How dare they!

What's next? Will they endorse a Republican candidate for elected office!?

RightsideVA said...

Yes the NewsLeader did print info about the "Gathering of Eagles" and the Support the Troops and the misson rally this Saturday in Staunton.

I will wait to see how and "If" the NewsLeader reports it on Sunday before we go into that. I have been at several of the "Anti-war" protests in Staunton in the past when people who "Support the Troops" showed up to counter the hate showed by the "Anti" people.

Unfortunately I have seen how the NewsLEader has reported these events before and will wait to see how\if they report on this Saturdays event before commenting...

"What's next? Will they endorse a Republican candidate for elected office!?"

As you may know the NewsLeader has endorsed President Bush in the past and they endorsed Senator Allen over Webb in last years election. They seem to enjoy bringing that up in their defense when needed. When they endorsed Senator Allen over Webb they said basically Webb had little to offer and did not convince them of his intentions once in office. But yet they attacked Senator Allen at every opportunity and ignored him a week before the election when he was at Mrs. Rowes in Staunton...

I wonder how they feel about their endorsement now?

Anonymous said...

Well, that's what happens when you have a newspaper that's full of Marxist liberals and a libertarian that doesn't know the difference between shit and apple butter.

Anonymous said...

It sounds to me that they are in desperate need of "facts" to "prove" that they are a fair and balanced newspaper.

Which, of course, they are NOT.

Anonymous said...

Have you given any thought that maybe there was nothing to report of any interest to the readers?

The Newsleader was only responding to their readers wishes and there was no reason to embarass Staunton with Allen and his racial statements. It is bad enough that the rest of the state sees this area as nothing but a bunch of rednecks who continue to support the loser Bush and his failed war.

You just can't accept that the Newsleader ignores you and the losers that have gotten us into the problems we now have.

RightsideVA said...


It's interesting that you say the people surrounding Staunton and the NewsLeader have no interest in Republican related news... I look at the vote % from these areas and most are over 65% and some in high 70%+ voting for the Republican candidates... And look at that, Staunton once again voted majority for Senator Allen and the Republicans in the last election after swinging "Left" on the Kilgore\Kaine election...

"no reason to embarass Staunton with Allen and his racial statements"

So instead they cover the wing-nuts dressed up in Monkey & Bannana suits? They gave more attention to that then the actual visit of the Senator and more follow up stories about the Chimp & friend... And there was never any proof of the racial slurs that were planted by the Liberal Blogs. Remember when Webb came to Staunton for 15 minutes and the NewsLeader did half page with large photo coverage of that visit?

The NewsLeader can "Ignore" us all they want. It's a business and thats why the people go to other outlets for their news and that is evident in subscription rates...

Anonymous said...
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RightsideVA said...


Comments and name calling like that will get you deleted every time and in fact shows the level of your argument and beliefs. The fact is NOBODY wants war except for those like the terrorist who continue to attack innocent citizens like the Iraqi people, many other countries innocent people, and innocent people like those who died in the 9-11 attacks. Those are the people that you should be angry with, not the “Neo-cons” that you think are the enemy.

In fact you, like the Democrat party, have no or very little interest in winning the war in Iraq and taking the fight to the terrorist. Your party is talking a very important issue that concerns both the National security of this country and the security of the free world and playing politics with it to gain control of Congress and possibly the Executive branch. You cite Pelosi as an example but the truth is Princess Pelosi, like many in the top level Democratic party, do not care about the soldiers that they claim to be protecting by calling for an immediate with drawl. No matter how the MSM spins it both her and Murtha are only playing the game to advance their status. It has become evident and typical of your party.

To attack SWACgirl and other Conservative bloggers listed on the NewsLeader blogroll for supporting the Troops this Saturday in Staunton is not out of line but the name calling, and the severity of the names used, is way over the line. Do it again and it will be removed again. Not looking to place Rightside under moderation for that limits free speech and open debate, which the Democratic party loves to claim when they are not allowed to push their agenda. If you notice the blogs listed on the NewsLeader blogroll contain blogs from both sides of the aisle, as it should be. There are also different levels of tactics used by these bloggers. Unfortunately some continue to take the cheap shots when they are not necessary only to diminish their facts and credibility. An example is the blog operated by Garstang who continues to call the blogs from the “Right” as ignorant and not worthy of the NL. Maybe that is why debate on his blog is very limited and shows the level of his local “Party” that he supports…

The “Surge”?
What if it is true that it is working and chasing the terrorist out of Baghdad and putting them on the run.
What if it continues to chase the terrorist and keeps them from organizing future attacks of equal or larger scale as 9-11?
What will happen to Pelosi, Murtha, and the Dem-Leaders who are so heavily invested in the defeat of Iraq? Where will you and your party be then?